Our MIssion
Changing Mental Health For Good
Providing help where there is none through accessible mental health services.
The Cost
How much is poor/no counseling costing you? How many opportunities have you missed out on? Are you not earning as much as you could? How much longer can you stay lonely/anxious/depressed? How many quality relationships are you missing out on? How can people know what you have to offer if you don’t have the chance to show them? Poor/inconsistent therapy may already be costing you precious time, money and/or relationships.
The Value
At Hope Mountain Behavioral Health, when you get the right, consistent help you will live a life of freedom and fulfillment. Freedom in your own mind and freedom with others. Fulfillment with yourself and fulfillment with your world (you can get that job you’ve wanted; start school; begin dating; travel; earn to your potential; heal relationships; enjoy hobbies again, etc.) Then, you can finally have the life you’ve dreamed of...
What We Do
At Hope Mountain Behavioral Health we are counseling professionals committed to mental health reform. We have a passion for serving underserved populations. There are no wait lists delaying treatment! We provide case management along with your therapy to help you navigate life barriers. And we make sure we provide you with the best therapy, no matter what.
How We Do It
shorter wait times
placing you with the “right” fit for you is everything to us
drama and gossip don’t exist here
decisions are quick, they don’t get clogged in layers of bureaucracy
there are no “special” parking spots or huge salaries given
leadership is not better than anyone else
we crave feedback at all levels (it’s our secret weapon!)
we believe in responsible growth
“Hope has two beautiful [children]; their names are Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and courage to see that they do not remain as they are.”
Ready To Take The Next Step?
If you want to make a change, and you want a partner/guide to help you along your healing journey, schedule your session today!
Our Backstory
Simply put, we’re a mixed group of rebels originating from the mountains that grew tired of standing by and watching the mental health system devour people. We’ve decided that this is unacceptable and it needs to change.
We are driven by the realities of us all having been blistered by the mental health system in one way or another. People not getting the “right'' help keeps us awake at night. We’ve learned that more pills aren’t always the answer...therapy is not a one-size-fits-all game, and you can’t just throw the next available therapist or pill at someone and expect lasting change. People are unique and so should their treatment.
We have zero tolerance for layers of bureaucracy, elitism, or therapy being about profit, not the people. We’ve united to declare that special parking spots, office politics, or gossip have overstayed their welcome and have absolutely no place in the helping fields. Money is a type of fuel for the helping goals we create, not a destination. It’s like water, oxygen, and blood is to the body. Essential. But not the purpose of it.
We love the underserved, undertreated, and under-loved. We hope to break the cycle of only helping those who can pay us a great rate. Instead, we think creatively and work tirelessly to come up with ways we can serve those who need us most.