Posts in Depression
Identifying and Understanding the Triggers of Depression

Depression is a pervasive mental health condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide, irrespective of age, gender, or socioeconomic background. It casts a shadow that extends beyond the afflicted person, touching their families, friends, and communities. In a world where open and honest conversations about mental health are increasingly vital, understanding

depression and its triggers takes on an even greater significance.

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A Deep-Rooted Relationship of Substance Abuse and Suicide in Colorado

Our hearts grow weary and our minds speed up as we desperately search for an answer to end Colorado’s suicide crisis. In looking for that answer—the one that will save lives and improve the social determinants of health within our cities—we consider various risk-factors that gravely affect the well-being of the people who live here: limited mental health services, high rates of illicit drug use and substance use disorders, exposure to violent crime and/or abuse, access to weapons and/or firearms, and even a low percentage of high school graduates. Yes, further examination of and increased efforts put forth on account of the above risk-factors are critical for suicide prevention, but also, for addressing the mental health stigma that still exists today.

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Teen Talk: Suicide Prevention

Although a difficult and quite often heart-wrenching topic to discuss, teen suicide continues to be a prevalent issue in today’s society with rates steadily increasing throughout many parts of the United States. In 2019, PBS quoted a study by the Journal of the American Medical Association that found: “The rate of U.S. adolescents and young adults dying of suicide has reached its highest level in nearly two decades” (Frazee & Morales, 2019). For this reason, it’s obligatory we spread awareness about teen suicide while increasing preventative measures to save lives. Whether you’re a teen that is experiencing suicidal thoughts and not sure where to turn; a parent of a teen who is displaying worrisome behaviors or showing warning signs of suicide; or if you know of someone in your life who is currently struggling with their mental health: there is hope.

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The Troubling Truth of Teen Suicide in Colorado

Colorado: a place of beauty, adventure, serenity, and family. Whether looking to book your next fun-filled family vacation near the picturesque Rocky Mountains or in need of a peaceful place to re-center—surrounded by the many breathtaking lakes and reservoirs—it’s safe to say Colorado has you covered. The beauty that exists throughout the stunning Centennial State cannot be overlooked, or in any way debated; still, there’s a darkness that lingers over colorful Colorado: a darkness that needs to be brought to light on a state-level, as well as a national one. We’re talking about teen suicide.

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How COVID-19 Is Teaching Us Self-Reliance

The pandemic has given each one of us more challenges than we knew what to do with — in various aspects of life, at that. With these challenges, however, came golden opportunities to learn more about ourselves and our capabilities, too. At the start of lockdown, many cried foul as services and resources were reduced or, in some cases, taken away. However, fast-forward to just a few months later, and people have learned to adapt and pick up invaluable skills along the way — in turn, becoming more self-sufficient and resourceful.

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Reality, and the Brutal Facts

You can't overcome anxiety, addiction or depression without allowing yourself to, first, go outside of the box... a bunch. People often emotionally limp into my office and look at me as if I have all the answers, thinking I have some magic word/pill that will set them on their feet again - without their effort…

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