Posts in Forgiveness and Peace
How to Talk to a Loved One About Mental Health Counseling

Approaching conversations about mental health counseling with a loved one can sometimes feel nerve-wrecking; the fear of saying the “wrong thing” or unintentionally offending them often creates hesitation, but starting these conversations is essential for breaking the stigma around mental health and offering meaningful support to our loved ones.

Here, we’ll explore how to approach these discussions with compassion, patience, and understanding to create a safe space for your loved one to consider counseling…

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Peace is a Road, Not a Destination

Years ago, I believed peace was something we got and kept when we figured out its magic formula. The harder I tried to catch it, the quicker it moved away though…like trying to grab a fly. Then, after open-heart surgery, I discovered that I’d been on the road of peace for quite some time. I was just driving so intently that I didn't see the signage…

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Keep On Keeping On

Sometimes life can be so tough that all we can do is keep going. I hear all the time that what makes a successful entrepreneur is someone who just doesn’t give up. Well, I believe the same is true for life. Success/fulfillment/peace comes to those that just don’t take no for an answer…

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Peace Be The Journey: Introducing Krista Thomas, RP

When I think about who I am as a therapist and why I decided to pursue this wonderful and wacky helping profession, there are three memories that seem to encapsulate something that is very difficult to put into words…

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