Posts in Relationships and Trust
How to Talk to a Loved One About Mental Health Counseling

Approaching conversations about mental health counseling with a loved one can sometimes feel nerve-wrecking; the fear of saying the “wrong thing” or unintentionally offending them often creates hesitation, but starting these conversations is essential for breaking the stigma around mental health and offering meaningful support to our loved ones.

Here, we’ll explore how to approach these discussions with compassion, patience, and understanding to create a safe space for your loved one to consider counseling…

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How to Have Healthy Boundaries with Family

I’d like to think many of us have been here at some point… You know that place where you love your parents but could use a heads-up before they show up knocking at your front door. Or maybe you’ve noticed how your typically adored sibling has been unloading more than you have the brain space for right now. And sometimes, it’s nice just to unplug and recharge—but doing so proves tricky when your neighbors start shouting over the fence the moment you step out for some air. So, what can we do?

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A Drop Of Hope

I’ve had ample opportunities to publish the book, but turned them all down. The truth is, the book was no good and I knew it. In my mind, I would say things like “you surely know enough to help people now,” or “you know so much about life, just do it.” But deep down I knew that I would change in ways that the book could not. Then what?

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Should You Criticize Someone You Love?

Very few people enjoy criticizing others. If you’re like me and very empathetic, you can even feel the pain of others as you criticize them (not to mention your own), so you naturally avoid it. I believe you need to criticize those you love, though. Here’s why. If you don’t criticize their behavior toward you, you’ll likely break up with them (or vice versa)…

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Are you a poor judge of…yourself?

Have you ever been to court? Have you ever stood in suspense as the judge contemplated your sentence? I have. And it blows. There's a sense of fear and dread, followed by this weird emotion of "whatever! I'll deal with whatever comes down the pike!" all wrapped up into one discomforting package…

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