Posts in Anxiety
Anxiety Disorders: Signs, Symptoms and Seeking Help

Anxiety disorders are the most commonly diagnosed mental health disorder in the U.S. with an estimated 40 million adults meeting the criteria each year. Children and teenagers are also at-risk of developing anxiety while about 8% of youth are diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. With only 1 in 3 people receiving treatment, we must open up the communication lines about anxiety disorders and spread awareness about available resources…

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Morning In Mental Health: Unveiling the Face of Anxiety

In today’s society, the word anxiety is often used to express a multitude of emotions and reactions related to stress, fear, and/or worry. Whether voicing first-date jitters to a friend, ruminating over the outcome of a job interview, or while sitting in back-to-back traffic for hours on end, ‘having anxiety’ is used formally, and informally, to depict how one feels about a given situation.

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How COVID-19 Is Teaching Us Self-Reliance

The pandemic has given each one of us more challenges than we knew what to do with — in various aspects of life, at that. With these challenges, however, came golden opportunities to learn more about ourselves and our capabilities, too. At the start of lockdown, many cried foul as services and resources were reduced or, in some cases, taken away. However, fast-forward to just a few months later, and people have learned to adapt and pick up invaluable skills along the way — in turn, becoming more self-sufficient and resourceful.

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COVID 19: Are You Living Your Dreams or Your Fears?

This COVID-19 lock-down has been tough. But I think it’s especially challenging for those of you who already are struggling with OCD. Just like people who survived the great depression still stash money, you might fear that you may incessantly wash your hands, surfaces etc...forever. And the truth is, the media’s atomic bomb of fear around COVID is causing more of you to live your fears than your dreams…

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Your Mental Health and COVID-19

While I believe this is a great time to help other people, I also think this is the time we need to pay special attention to our own mental health and specifically how much negative information we will allow/invite into our brains during this crisis. Too little and we may not be facing the brutal facts of our situation. Too much and we may bog ourselves down, hurting our efforts to move, work and/or study in these trying times. For your own mental health, I believe you can take proactive steps during this time…

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Why I Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

I chase the moments that continuously catch my passion on fire. I’ve heard these times referred to as thin spaces. Referring to when the space between us and God is thin. Like having a baby, getting married, achieving the unachievable, surviving cancer, etc. They close the gap between us and God—not a bad place to be if you ask me…

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