The Reality of Grief and Autism

My father-in-law (one of my dearest friends) is slipping in and out of consciousness and is confused, gasping for air, has swollen feet, and the like. All signs that Heaven is beckoning him home, soon. I wish I could say that I was there for him, but the reality of having a severely special needs child prevents this from being true. This post is for “Real” eyes only…

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Healing From Mental Illness: What You Can't See, You Can't See

Years ago, in the middle of my agoraphobic, social phobic, depressed state, you could’ve never convinced me that healing from mental illness was possible, probable even. Like a tornado crushes a trailer park, mental illness ravaged my entire life. And I couldn’t see beyond the swirling debris the tornado of mental illness was tossing all around me…

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Peace is a Road, Not a Destination

Years ago, I believed peace was something we got and kept when we figured out its magic formula. The harder I tried to catch it, the quicker it moved away though…like trying to grab a fly. Then, after open-heart surgery, I discovered that I’d been on the road of peace for quite some time. I was just driving so intently that I didn't see the signage…

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Success, Don't Bother

Call me strange and maybe a little cynical. Fine with me. But, if you wanna impress me, successes/accolades/trophies won’t do it! I’ve just never been moved by such values. Maybe the streets did this to me…really not sure. But one thing’s for sure. If you want to catch my eye, you’d better be helping someone. Heck, I don’t even care if you’ve achieved a degree of success in the nonprofit world. If it’s pushed you to stop helping, lose it…

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You know, I’m not right about much…marriage has taught me this. And, to be honest, I see this as a strength. Understanding that being “right” about something is not the goal can be quite freeing actually. I used to be an agonistic, a Pentecostal, a Baptist, etc. And all the while, I believed wholeheartedly that my beliefs were ironclad…they were “right…

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Keep On Keeping On

Sometimes life can be so tough that all we can do is keep going. I hear all the time that what makes a successful entrepreneur is someone who just doesn’t give up. Well, I believe the same is true for life. Success/fulfillment/peace comes to those that just don’t take no for an answer…

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Yes, We Hire Transgender People and We Don't Care Your Views!

The other day I had someone very close to me look at me and say “it’s one thing to work with those types of people [transgenders], but it’s another thing to hire them.” I looked at her in disgust and said, “I think that’s exactly what the whites said about the blacks in years gone by (and even now still, unfortunately). I told her it’s racist, sexist people like her that light a fire under me to hire more….people…

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Getting Through the Tough Stuff…In One Piece

Not gonna lie, this past year has been the toughest since I sobered up thirteen years ago. Although very slowly, the thought of drinking again, over time, has crept up on me like a cheetah after its prey. Not to worry though, thank the Lord I have the skills to get through those cravings/desires, etc. Here’s the truth. Having two special needs children is not easy…

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