Identifying and Understanding the Triggers of Depression

Depression is a pervasive mental health condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide, irrespective of age, gender, or socioeconomic background. It casts a shadow that extends beyond the afflicted person, touching their families, friends, and communities. In a world where open and honest conversations about mental health are increasingly vital, understanding

depression and its triggers takes on an even greater significance.

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Anxiety Disorders: Signs, Symptoms and Seeking Help

Anxiety disorders are the most commonly diagnosed mental health disorder in the U.S. with an estimated 40 million adults meeting the criteria each year. Children and teenagers are also at-risk of developing anxiety while about 8% of youth are diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. With only 1 in 3 people receiving treatment, we must open up the communication lines about anxiety disorders and spread awareness about available resources…

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How to Have Healthy Boundaries with Family

I’d like to think many of us have been here at some point… You know that place where you love your parents but could use a heads-up before they show up knocking at your front door. Or maybe you’ve noticed how your typically adored sibling has been unloading more than you have the brain space for right now. And sometimes, it’s nice just to unplug and recharge—but doing so proves tricky when your neighbors start shouting over the fence the moment you step out for some air. So, what can we do?

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Social Media and Mental Health: Behind the “Likes” and “Shares”

For many of us, as soon as the morning glare meets our bedside, the search ensues for our beloved Smartphone—admittedly speaking, what’s now become a sort of “second skin,” providing us comfort when met with boredom and vulnerability as well as a level of normalcy in times of uncertainty. With our trusted tech-companion now in hand, we silence our third (ok, fifth) alarm, peel back our eyelids and dive into the starting lineup of the day’s social fix. Sound all too familiar?

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Job Burnout: When to Leave and When to Stay

For some of us, ‘another day at the office’ is simply that—a familiar part of our daily routine where we’ve come to expect a long-running checklist at our fingertips, lighthearted conversation among co-workers, and that unrelenting post-lunch crash. And by no means is it a successful day until you start devising another quick n’ easy recipe on a sticky note before closing your tabs for the last time. Snickering with the remaining company you eagerly shout, “Time to go!”

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Creating Safer Schools: A Comprehensive Approach

It’s currently estimated that one in seven adolescents experiences a mental health disorder. And since a large portion of these formative years are spent largely inside the school system, it’s critical that children, adolescents, and young adults have the support they need to feel safe, secure and balanced as they navigate life’s challenges and progress towards being healthy, well-rounded adults.

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