Posts tagged Anxiety treatment
Why Addiction?

Yesterday, I was thinking about why people become addicted. Don’t remember where I heard this, but while thinking of this, something I learned years ago came back to me. When we seek refuge in drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, love or whatever the addiction may be, we are attempting to satisfy one (or all) of these three needs…

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Reverse Anxiety: Part X - Habits That Will Change Your Life

In therapy, one of the most tenacious foes I face is helping someone realize they're wrong. Most people that come into my office are just dead wrong! About what? About what they believe about their future. And boy are they certain that they have it all figured out! "Nothing will ever go right for me; no matter what I do, I'll never be okay; I'll never find the right person; I'll always struggle…be alone…a screw-up, ..."

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Anxiety Tips & Tricks: Tip # 4

Breathing exercises don't work for everyone. This is more of a tip that turns into a trick, later. Years ago, after about 10 emergency room visits for anxiety attacks, one of the ER docs recommended that I try some deep breathing exercises. Well, I did. For about a minute. Until the concentrated focus on my breathing became the bigger issue…

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Anxiety Tips & Tricks: Tip #1

I write a ton on anxiety. And when I write I usually include 700 words or more. Well, I want to include you busy readers as well. So I'm going to post small clips of thoughts/skills/techniques that I believe can be helpful in overcoming anxiety…

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Reverse Anxiety: Part VIII - When the Protector Causes the Pain

As a therapist, I frequently work with adults who are struggling to cope with the ashes of childhood sexual, physical or emotional betrayal. A lot of times, from a parent. One of the more challenging aspects of this work is aiding in untwisting the knots parents have tied in their children's lives through abuse…

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