This morning while driving to see a client, I was listening to Max Lucado’s book Anxious For Nothing: Finding Calm In A Chaotic World on CD, when he said (and I’m paraphrasing) “Anxiety is unavoidable, but being imprisoned by it is optional.” Profound thought indeed.
Read MoreI’m feeling my arms right now. I turned 40 last month and I’m still here. Despite the thousands of times I thought I was dying of a heart attack, suffocating or some other bizarre event like driving off the road because of intrusive thoughts, I’m still kickin’ and screamin.’
Read MoreProcess of illimination works great when diagnosing cars. Going through a checklist of what is not the problem can be a great way to nail the problem done. Let’s start off with what anxiety is not.
Read MoreWhy Techniques, Methods and Prayer Aren’t Working
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