Posts in Anxiety
Anxiety Can Be a Bully

Truth be told, I'm not completely free of anxiety myself. There are times during performing therapy, for instance, that the "what if's" come to me like an eagle swooping down to claw up its prey. "What if I panic and have to leave the room?" or "what if I go blank and can't think of anything to say?" Yes, I still experience anxiety on occasion. One of the reasons: toxic anxiety can be a bully!

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Anxiety Tips & Tricks: Tip #1

I write a ton on anxiety. And when I write I usually include 700 words or more. Well, I want to include you busy readers as well. So I'm going to post small clips of thoughts/skills/techniques that I believe can be helpful in overcoming anxiety…

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Reverse Anxiety: Part VI - Who's Driving?

Anxiety makes a bad boss. Another way anxiety steps outside of its boundaries as the protector is by grabbing the wheel of your life from you and acting as if it's Mr. T (the boss). We all have several emotions to pick from at any given moment. Anxiety, when it becomes toxic, knocks you over the head with a bottle and overthrows your mind…

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Reverse Anxiety: Part VIII - When the Protector Causes the Pain

As a therapist, I frequently work with adults who are struggling to cope with the ashes of childhood sexual, physical or emotional betrayal. A lot of times, from a parent. One of the more challenging aspects of this work is aiding in untwisting the knots parents have tied in their children's lives through abuse…

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Reverse Anxiety: Part VI - Calling Anxiety's Bluff

Our minds love to project us into a catastrophic future filled with doom and terror.  This part of our makeup can't help but flash images of certainty in front of us.

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