Anxiety Tips & Tricks: Tip #1

I write a ton on anxiety. And when I write I usually include 700 words or more. Well, I want to include you busy readers as well. So I'm going to post small clips of thoughts/skills/techniques that I believe can be helpful in overcoming anxiety…

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Reverse Anxiety: Part VI - Who's Driving?

Anxiety makes a bad boss. Another way anxiety steps outside of its boundaries as the protector is by grabbing the wheel of your life from you and acting as if it's Mr. T (the boss). We all have several emotions to pick from at any given moment. Anxiety, when it becomes toxic, knocks you over the head with a bottle and overthrows your mind…

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Reverse Anxiety: Part VIII - When the Protector Causes the Pain

As a therapist, I frequently work with adults who are struggling to cope with the ashes of childhood sexual, physical or emotional betrayal. A lot of times, from a parent. One of the more challenging aspects of this work is aiding in untwisting the knots parents have tied in their children's lives through abuse…

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Reverse Anxiety: Part VI - Calling Anxiety's Bluff

Our minds love to project us into a catastrophic future filled with doom and terror.  This part of our makeup can't help but flash images of certainty in front of us.

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Reverse Anxiety: Part III - What I Say Anxiety Is NOT

I’m feeling my arms right now.  I turned 40 last month and I’m still here.  Despite the thousands of times I thought I was dying of a heart attack, suffocating or some other bizarre event like driving off the road because of intrusive thoughts, I’m still kickin’ and screamin.’  

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